Well I have been using my ham station a lot recently and I have came to the conclusion that I needed more screen space! Added another 27” monitor on a dual monitor mount on my desk.
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Well I have been using my ham station a lot recently and I have came to the conclusion that I needed more screen space! Added another 27” monitor on a dual monitor mount on my desk.
Well the shack is taking shape. It’s not much but it functions and I hope to add a little more to it.
Well I have started to get back into HAM radio again and the IC-7300 has been purchased. I really wanted to have a radio that if I needed to grab and go to a field day and still be able to use it as my main shack radio. I ordered it today now I just have to wait for it to ship! More shack photos to come once I get it and get it all setup.
I received my new Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus the other day. I am excited about getting into DMR as well still keep using analog for some of my local repeaters. I hope to have my local DMR hotspot up later this week. I still have a lot to learn so… I will post more about hotspot setup later.
So I decided to go to the Greater Louisville HAM Fest this past weekend and see what it was all about. I ordered my tickets online and bought a few more raffle tickets to put in the box. Well it must have been my lucky weekend because I won the first place prize!! An MFJ-259c antenna analyzer. I have been wanting to get one of these for a while now.
Well after much research and contemplating I have decided that I am going to make the Icom 7300 my new HF base radio!! Now I just need to save up the money to buy it!!
Well I have now received all the parts needed to do the final assembly of my FT-857D portable box for QRP work as well as traveling. Photos will follow soon with the build process and final assembly.
Well I have had this antenna for quite some time now and have made several contacts with it and I really like it. It’s going to be the antenna that I will be using for my portable HF rig. I am almost finished with my portable HF rig and I will have a full build post regarding that once its finished.
Well I received my Earchi End Fed antenna today. Waiting on my Jackite 31′ fiberglass pole to arrive tomorrow. I hope to have the antenna up this weekend to see how well it performs as a quick portable QRP antenna.